Did you know that students can lose up to 2 1/2 months of math skills over the summer? We call this the “summer slide.” Many math skills can be very “use-it-or-lose-it” if we’re not careful. Which means it’s so important to practice math over the summer!
But, let’s face it, summer is NOT about doing schoolwork all summer long! Students can practice math over the summer, while still having plenty of time to enjoy a fun summer break.
Make it Fun
If parents allow their children to have “screen time” each day, there are so many apps available that can help students practice math in a fun way!
My favorite apps that students can use to practice math over the summer are:
- Prodigy– Always a crowd favorite, Prodigy is a great app/website for students in grades 1-8. Parents and students love it because it’s standards-based and FREE. Students love it because the entire app is game-based and gives real-time help!
- Splash Learn– Formerly Splash Math, this app/website is designed for students in grades K-5. Certain features are free, and even more features are available in a paid teacher or parent plan. Similar to Prodigy, Splash Learn is a standards-based and game-based site.

Talk About Math
Students often get the idea that math is reserved for the math classroom, but we learn math to use it in the real world! Talking about math is a great way to help students see how math is used in the real world. But it’s also an easy way to practice math over the summer!
Here are my favorite ways to talk about math in the real world:
- Cooking– While cooking, talk about how different measurements compare to each other. Talk about how much you would need of each ingredient if you doubled or tripled the recipe.
- Shopping– Shopping is a great time to talk about money! Shopping gives wonderful opportunities to talk about financial literacy, such as budgeting.

Old-Fashioned Practice
Some kids just like a little more old-fashioned practice! I was definitely that kid that “nerded out” over the school workbook section at Barnes and Noble.
Here are two simple ways to give children some old-fashioned practice during the summer:
- Flash Cards– We all know how important math facts are! Finding some cheap flash cards and practicing them for a few minutes each day can make a world of difference.
- Worksheets– For the kids who love to play “school” or even just kids whose parents want them to have a little extra help, worksheets can be a great tool!
Below, I’ve highlighted some worksheets that have amazing features that help to avoid the summer slide.
Avoiding the dreaded summer slide doesn’t have to be boring! Practicing math in a few different ways over the summer can make a huge difference in whether or not math skills are lost over the summer.
Have a fun way of avoiding the summer slide? Let me know in the comments below!